An Expert Guide to the Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. It can cause ulcers, inflammation, and fistulas in all areas of the digestive system. Crohn’s disease has no known cause or cure, but treatments are available to help manage symptoms. Seek medical help from specialists as they have a way of treating the symptoms well. In San Antonio, TX, you’ll find these medics offering a remedy for ulcerative colitis also. When choosing an inflammatory bowel disease in San Antonio, target the best.

Causes the Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is a disorder that causes inflammation in the colon and small intestine. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are inflammatory bowel diseases. Both cause similar symptoms but have different effects on the body.

Symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, and anemia. Although these conditions have no cure, it is possible to treat symptoms.

Doctors use medications and sometimes surgery to treat inflammatory bowel disease. The first step in treating these disorders is usually medication therapy, which helps reduce inflammation in the bowel. Some people take drugs that suppress immune system function, while others take biologics that target inflammation-specific proteins.

Diagnosis and Treatment for IBD

Surgery may be necessary for people who do not improve with medications or experience complications from the disease. The goal of surgery is to remove the damaged part of the intestine that causes problems and then reattach healthy sections. 

Some people find relief by adding certain foods to their diet, while others find solace in supplements such as digestive enzymes and probiotics. Patients should discuss the best treatment plan with their gastroenterologists. Treatment options for this condition may include medications, diet, and supplements.

Medications used to treat inflammatory bowel disease include:

-Suppressors of immune system function (corticosteroids) -Biologics that block tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNFmedications) -Antibiotics to kill bacteria that aggravate intestinal inflammation-Corticosteroids that suppress immune system function -Antibiotics to kill the bacteria in the intestine

Many people with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease require medication for treatment. Your doctor will work with you to determine the best medication dosage and schedule. Since these medications can cause severe side effects, your doctor may ask you.

Diet for People with IBD

Another vital part of treating inflammatory bowel disease is making sure you eat a healthy diet. Some people with these conditions find that avoiding certain foods helps ease symptoms. If you experience problems, talk to your gastroenterologist about an appropriate diet for your disease.

What Happens When IBD is Undertreated or Untreated?

Consequences of Untreated or Undertreated IBD Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can lead to the following:

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Fistulas (abnormal tunnels of tissue) between organs in your body
  • Fissures (breaks in the skin) around the anus and anal fissure.

Treating this condition requires a team approach. Your gastroenterologist works with your primary care physician to make a treatment plan that includes medication, diet, and supplements.

It’s not always easy to find out what you need when it comes to inflammatory bowel disease. There are many different treatments for this condition, and the best treatment plan will depend on your symptoms. For example, suppose you have anemia or chronic diarrhea that doesn’t respond well to medication. In that case, surgery may be necessary to remove the damaged part of your intestine that causes problems. Seeing an inflammatory bowel disease specialist is crucial.