Engraved bricks for fundraising. Why and how?

Brick fundraising was considered the most popular strategy for low-to-level fundraising campaigns. This strategy has lagged far behind in the last few years, but the good news is that the brick fundraising strategy has now been revived. This strategy is more effective for those who have several mid-level donors.

Fundraising with engraved bricks is an inspirational way to attract donations for your appropriate purpose. From personalized bricks that allow donors to spell out their project names literally, memorable bricks that honor loved ones, using engraved bricks to raise funds is sure to get your donors more involved in the campaign. Above all, engraved bricks create a way for current and potential donors to show the success of visible and measurable fundraising.

Do you know why engraved bricks are used for fundraising and how to get the maximum return from it? If you don’t know then this article is for you. But first, you need to know what a brick fundraiser is. We will now try to discuss all these things in our article. So let’s get started.

What Brick Fundraising Means?

Brick fundraising is a fundraising technique that involves placing a brick wall, walkway, or other tiled or bricked surface in a nonprofit process. The main purpose of this is to make sure that any donor is willing to donate a certain amount and in return, they can engrave their name or message.

Why Engraved Bricks are the Best Fundraising Element

Engraved bricks are considered to be the most useful and effective tool for fundraising. But why? There are several reasons behind this. But we will try to discuss the three most important reasons.


One of the reasons bricks are popular fundraising items is that they can be personalized. Donors may want to engrave their name or the name of their graduate child, a favorite sports team, or even a pet. For example, on a standard 4 ″ x 8 ″ brick, a donor can engrave four lines of text with 21 characters. Some engraving companies provide clip art as well as text.


When donors buy a brick, they are leaving a legacy that will be part of the building or space for future generations. Whenever they and their friends and family members visit the place they will see evidence of their contribution. It feels that donor grants have real and lasting value.


A brick contribution to a building or sidewalk is a great way to express appreciation or support. For example, hospitals often include bricks carved into walls or walkways from patients and families who want to say “thank you” for the compassionate care they received in the past. College or university graduates can donate a permanent marker to express their gratitude for the education the school has provided them.

How to Get Maximum Return from Brick Fundraising

If you want to get the maximum return, then you need to have an effective plan with the same professionalism that you might materialization for some other fundraising tactics. Here are some important steps or tips to get a maximum return through Brick fundraising.

Make an Effective Plan:

At first, make a hardworking team and then create a comprehensive, written fundraising plan for the brick campaign. In the plan, you need to specify what you are going to do and what kind of benefits you can get in the future from now on.

Create a Committee:

Select some key supporters and ask them to promote brick fundraising to everyone under their network.

Develop Content:

Use clear, professional brochures and letters with pictures of what the bricks will look like to market this opportunity to your prospects.

Observe the Different Levels:

Most successful brick fundraising campaigns provide different levels of funding for those who support the campaign. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Try to make it fun:

Brick fundraising efforts should be fun and interactive. Find as many people as possible to sell your bricks and give them lots of support and appreciation.

Final Thoughts:

Engraved brick for fundraising campaigns is a great way to fundraise. But if you do not have a clear idea about engraved brick fundraising or do not know how to get the maximum benefit from it, then you can never benefit from it. And in this case, our article will be helpful for you because we have tried to cover everything about brick fundraising here. We hope this small effort will be effective enough for you. Thank you all.