Goats Formula for Babies After 6 Months

For babies under six months of age, there is no better nutrition than breast milk. And in the following months of your baby’s life, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding until at least one year of age. However, if you cannot continue breastfeeding your baby for some reason, you should choose the right baby formula to meet the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your baby needs for growth.

It is necessary to consult with your pediatrician before deciding on the baby’s nutrition.

Switching to a new formula at six months of age or leave your baby on a regular diet? Why do I need a new formula when my baby is perfectly adapted to his first diet? Can the baby develop a nutritional deficiency if he stays on the first formula?

Why should a baby be switched to a new baby formula from 6 months?

Moat babies approximately from 6 months switch to a new baby formula because of the right amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Baby formula is a unique food because a vast number of scientists worldwide are working on its creation. The composition of such food is carefully designed to meet all the needs of the baby. It means the nutritional characteristics and additional inclusions of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy components.

The uniqueness of infant formula is that it covers the baby’s needs at each particular age to the maximum extent. This is why it is important to prefer an age-appropriate formula by following simple logic – formula stages 1, 2, and 3. Sometimes there is even a 4th stage.

How goat’s milk differs from cow’s milk?

Just like cow’s milk, goat’s milk has a high dose of various micronutrients and protein. It is high in phosphorus, a mineral that promotes calcium leaching from the bones. Compared with cow’s milk, goat’s milk is fattier and is easier to digest for babies. However, it is not an option to give your little one goat’s milk if he or she is allergic to cow’s milk since the condition often develops not for a particular type of milk but lactose (milk sugar) and its derivatives. But suppose the cause of the allergy is a specific ingredient contained in cow’s milk, but not in goat’s milk, with the pediatrician’s permission. In that case, it can be carefully introduced in complementary foods, but only after one year.

A baby’s immature digestive system is not able to process whole milk proteins. Breast milk contains whey proteins, which are much easier and faster to digest for infants without putting too much strain on the baby’s digestive system. But if you have to choose between cow’s milk and goat’s milk, it is goat’s milk closer to breast milk in composition. 

Goat’s milk baby formula

One of the most popular kinds of infant formulas is a formula based on goat’s milk. It is known that goat’s milk is famous for its healing properties, so it has been used for centuries to feed children from an early age, nurse the sick and treat various diseases. Moreover, goat milk helps heal, disinfect and is an excellent therapeutic and dietary product in many countries.

There are several reasons why goat’s milk is highly valued and used in feeding babies. The main ones are:

  • Goat’s milk is an excellent prevention of food allergies in babies. This milk doesn’t include s1 casein, the protein found in cow’s milk.
  • Goat’s milk is rich in calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones in the growing body.
  • The fat structure of goat’s milk differs from that of cow’s milk, which makes goat’s milk easy and quick to digest.

How to choose a quality goat’s milk formula?

Parents should see a pediatrician before switching to a new formula and pay more attention to its composition. Infant formula should not contain added sugars or palm oil and, at the same time, include additional healthy ingredients such as lutein for vision and omega acids for brain development. The base – cow’s and goat’s milk – deserves special attention. It is safe to say that goat milk is digested and absorbed better than cow’s milk.

The variety of infant formulas based on goat’s milk is much smaller than those based on cow’s milk. The main reason is the high cost of goat’s milk compared to cow’s milk. Despite the high price, goat’s milk formulas compare favorably with their cow’s milk alternative.

Holle goat milk formula is an excellent option for parents looking for a quality goat’s milk  formula. The unique composition of this baby formula will help your baby effectively fight the symptoms of food allergies and gastrointestinal diseases. Holle goat’s milk formula can be used after breastfeeding or instead of other infant formulas. It is recommended to use it in conjunction with a balanced diet consisting of bottle-feeding and complementary feeding with solid food.