Happy, Healthy, Mom-To-Be

One of the biggest life-changing decisions you can make is the one to become a parent. Although there is no “best time” to get pregnant, there are things you can do to help your pregnancy go as smoothly as possible.

Once you hear the sound of your biological clock ticking, there is no denying trying to conceive will be in your near future. Besides knowing you want to get pregnant, there are other things you also need to evaluate, like your nutrition. Now more than ever, make sure you are eating a balanced diet; focus on getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

As soon as you’re considering trying to get pregnant is when you should start taking preconception gummies. Although some people don’t start prenatal supplements until they’re pregnant, if you take them while you’re trying to conceive, they will already be available to your baby from the moment of conception. These supplements provide you with folic acid, which can help with preventing birth defects as well as other vitamins and minerals to support a healthy pregnancy.

Eating for Two

Now more than ever, your nutrition is vital! You’re not only eating to keep yourself healthy but also your growing baby. Babies rely on you to get their nutrition to grow. Make sure your diet is balancedwith a concentration of fruits and vegetables; your prenatal supplement will help replenish the vitamins and minerals your baby is using.

Cravings during pregnancy are normal, try your best to keep from overindulging in sweets or junk food as they have minimal nutritional value. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you have to eat everything in sight because you’re eating for two. In reality, a typical, healthy pregnancy only requires an additional 300 calories. That equates to an additional healthy snack throughout the day.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Aim for a minimum of 10 8oz glasses of fluid a day. Although you can get this from drinking milk, fruit juice or eating soup, make sure you’re also getting a fair amount of water. Drinking water not only keeps you from drinking extra calories, but it can also help offset some avoidable complications like urinary tract infections and constipation.


The benefits of exercise will help both you and your baby to stay healthy. It’s a good stress reliever and a way to stay active instead of sitting around worrying about the millions of thoughts that go through your mind as your hormones fluctuate. Besides avoiding unnecessary anxiety, exercise also increases the flow of oxygen to your baby. It also improves the baby’s brain power and helps the growth of strong, developing lungs.


Get as much sleep as you can. Not only will you feel better about it, but it can also help keep pregnancy complications at bay. With all the demands of life and responsibilities, getting adequate sleep can be challenging. The best rule of thumb is to get as much sleep as you think you need (but not less than 6 – 8 hours). As your baby grows and makes more demands on your body, allow yourself as much rest as you need to feel your best. If you’re able to fit a nap into your day, especially towards the end of your pregnancy, listen to your body.

Prenatal Care

Make and keep your prenatal care appointments with your doctor. They are your best source of advice tailored to your specific medical needs and concerns. Your doctor will be the best source of information to be sure both you and your baby are as happy and healthy as can be.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times of your life. The care you give yourself, you’re also passing along to your baby. You owe it to both of you to give your baby the best possible start to life and enjoy the journey!

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