We all know you don’t spend much time looking up at your ceiling but take a peek nevertheless. It takes up a sixth of your room, so why not give it some attention? Yes, white has long been the standard for ceilings, but there are alternatives if you’re willing to experiment.
Take some time to prepare.
While a bright, white ceiling may give the impression of taller walls, a darker ceiling may make a space seem warm and welcoming. Ideal for lounges and bedrooms. So, grab your paintbrushes and clear the space – it’s time to learn how to paint a ceiling properly!
Step 1: When you’re done sanding, go over any rough surfaces one more time to give the paint a smooth surface to adhere to. If your ceiling is composed of Artex, skip this step.
Step 2: It’s time for a cup of tea and perhaps some breakfast. After all, it’s a Sunday!
Step 3: Cover any fixtures, such as lights or alarms, before painting. If you want to get an early start, do it the night before.
Step 4: Paint the ceiling, fixtures, and inside corners with a roller (such as one from the same brand). Clean off any dust before painting. This one needs accuracy, so take your time and get a nice smooth finish. To prevent dripping, try putting a tiny amount of paint into a tiny container rather than filling up your brush.
Step 5: With an extension pole, fill the roller with paint and be careful not to overfill it; this will keep any spills to a minimum! Apply your first coat and allow it to dry for 4-6 hours while keeping the area as ventilated as possible.
Step 6: You’re off and running! Now’s the ideal time for a tea break while your first coat is drying. The hard parts are out of the way, so take a cup of tea and enjoy your progress thus far. Consider how much better your ceiling will look with a second coat.
Step 7: Apply a second coat of paint in the same manner as you did in step 4. Allow it to dry and then remove all of the masking tape (we warned you there’d be plenty of tea breaks).
Step 8: Wow, what a beautiful fresh coat of paint! Remove those dust covers, clean your brushes, and you’re finished.