YouTube can be a great way to get noticed. This is due to the fact that Google blends just about every type of content together including universal search, images, videos, books, and more.
You may have even noticed that videos are constantly ranking at the top of the search engine rankings. Google knows how much people enjoy video content and they promote it because it helps drive better user engagement.
You will be able to leverage this by not only writing quality content on your site but by creating complementary videos that you can use to drive people to your site, as well. This will allow you to build valuable backlinks to your site which can make your website much more visible within the search engines.
By leveraging YouTube in your overall marketing mix, you will be able to further boost your website’s authority. Having a greater authority within Google’s algorithm is only going to help your website achieve better overall rankings.
Here is a fact: Over 60 percent of search users end up clicking on the first (3) results on the Google search results. Likewise, over 90 percent of those using Google’s search engine end up clicking within the first (10). As you can see, ranking high is a must.
Top 4 Tips For Using YouTube To Boost Your Website’s Authority
Table of Contents
1. Getting Other Website Owners To Embed Your Videos
Just about anytime you are able to get your video embedded onto another website, you will be able to gain ranking factors for your video. Having more people embed your videos, the better it is going to rank as Google will deem it to be an authority video.
2. Associating Your Domain Name With Your Channel
Another big thing that you should be doing is attempting to associate your domain name with your YouTube channel name. This is going to help Google verify you as the brand authority. This will end up helping point people towards your business when they are looking for your brand name or something you are offering.
3. Getting Your Videos Shared Across Social Media
Social media is one of the best things that you can leverage. Your metrics on social media are going to be taken into great consideration when it comes to Google’s ultimate rankings. Therefore, you want to try to create highly shareable videos that are high-quality the more views you get the higher the likelihood is that people will share your videos, you can buy more YouTube views. The more your videos get shared, the more it signals to Google that your videos deserve to be ranking high within the search engines.
4. Give Your Audience More Options
You want to be certain that you are giving your audience as many options as possible to consume your content. Some people will want to read and some will want to watch videos. Likewise, some may just want your videos playing in the background as they do other things. By including these elements in your videos, you should be able to achieve better engagement.
Here is a fact:
65 percent of people are visual learners
30 percent of people are aural learners
5 percent of people are kinesthetic learners