Every year there are hundreds of holidays in around the world. Each country has some same and some different seasonal holidays depending on their culture and history. But the most famous that are celebrated in almost all over the world are Christmas. New Year, New Year Eve, Halloween, Easter, Hugging & Kissing Day, Valentine’s Day, and Thanksgiving Day. The most national holidays in a country is Cambodia with 28 holidays per year. But their most holidays are from their culture that can’t be celebrated in the world. In this article, we will share the most famous seasonal holidays to celebrate with your friends and family this year. Keep reading till end to learn about them!
Table of Contents
1. Christmas
We all think Christmas is a day when Santa Claus gives us present. But this holiday has different story behind that most of us don’t know. It is a religious and cultural day which is celebrated by both Christians and non-Christians. On this day, people decorate their house and Christmas trees. They put gifts near Christmas trees inside house so their children can get it from. There in the morning and thought that Santa Claus has put it there. Today in modern Christmas traditions. You will see Santa Clauses near different houses and giving present to kids and enjoying with them.
In the world, more than 160 countries celebrate and there are some countries who refer this day as Family Day like Uruguay and Angola. Christmas is celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ which took place on 25th of December 1 B.C.
2. New Year
The New Year is celebrated on 1st of January every year welcoming the new year in the Gregorian calendar. It is first celebrated 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. And their new year date was not 1st of January. It has changed from century to century and now world has decided to celebrate it on January 1 every year. & human created event and not a national event but still in most of the countries offices and businesses are closed down and people celebrate it with friends and family.
On December 31 evening. People say goodbye to their old failures and painful events and welcome New Year for new success and hopes. In almost whole world it is celebrated and people send out New Year’s Eve cards and gifts. They invite each other in different parties where they dance, eat snacks, drinks, and enjoy.
3. Valentine’s Day
Although we all celebrate this Valentine’s Day as the day of lovers where they express. Their love by spending time together, but the real history of Valentine’s Day is dark. According to our study, there were many saints named Valentine on which this day is titled. But the real case is these saints were not romantic or happy in their life. In the past, Rome persecuted Christians and sometimes beheaded them. But in 14th century when honoring St. Valentinus it became romantic event. A poet Chaucer made this day a connection between holiday and birds mating which resulting. Into a loving day for the world.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated as love day, romance day, and friendship day. Every year it is celebrated on 14th of February where people send romantic and love messages to their friends, family, and loved ones. Couples do enjoy in restaurants by spending quality meal and time together. It is actually the day of 2 loved ones.
4. Easter
Easter is the day which Christians celebrated in the honor of Jesus Christ resurrection from the dead. It is explained well in the New Testament of the Bible. The main objects on this event are Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny, and Feasts. It is an event that is celebrated around the world only in churches. On this day, people visit churches which are dimly lit and special prayers are sung. The main purpose is to praise the Jesus Christ. People do charity on this day and sing happy prayers together. In church which shows the rise of Jesus from death.
The second important thing on Easter is egg. It is a symbol of resurrection in Christian where people decorate eggs in unique ways. The egg hunting on this day is now compulsory if you want to celebrate Easter. Moreover, Easter is not a fixed day event every year and comes on first Sunday. After first full moon which usually happens in March or April. It is also known as Resurrection Sunday.
5. Halloween
Halloween, the most important and widely celebrated event in the world on 31st of October every year. It originated with ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The day when people light bonfires and wear ghosts like clothes. The day that shows the end of Summer and harvest. It shows the beginning of dark and winters which is usually known as time of year when people mostly dies.
The history told us the one night before new year. The line or boundary between living people and dead ones become blurred. But on 31st of October it is known that dead people returned to earth. On this horror and fun day. kids visit their neighbor and relatives with small basket in their hands for treat and candies. And the adults wear Halloween themed clothes and do parties.
6. Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is celebrated mainly in America on 4th of November every year. It is an American holiday when schools, universities, offices, and businesses give national holiday. On this fun holiday, people enjoy playing football. Family reunions, pumpkin pie, roasted turkey, and the Pilgrims and Wampanoag (the founders of the feast).
The Thanksgiving Day is the day for US people only who says Thanks for whatever they have. On this day, family and friends get together for a meal and party. They usually roast turkey, have potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, vegetables, and gravy. In some states and cities of USA, parades are held on Thanksgiving weekend. In most areas, it is considered as the starting of Christmas shopping season. During Thanksgiving days, all colleges, School, organizations. And businesses are closed which makes it less busy day but in real it is the busiest day in the USA.