Seven Ways A DNP Can Help You Deliver Better Patient Care

Health is a fundamental component of society. In the past few years, the healthcare sector has advanced by leaps and bounds. New researches and findings, discoveries, and technological advancements have paved the way for many new healthcare fields and careers. Experts have predicted further progression, considering upgrades will continue to bring forth new medical improvements. 

When we think about the two most prominent healthcare professions, doctors and nurses come to our mind. They are the two main pillars of the clinical support system. Nurses are the kind individuals who assist doctors in diagnostic processes and in providing treatments to patients. They work for extra hours while wearing a broad smile across their face. Nurses ensure that the patients receive the best possible care and put in efforts to reduce patients’ pain intensity. With time, the nursing sector has progressed, and different nursing fields have come to the fore. 

A DNP, Doctor of Nursing Practice, is an advanced nurse who has the liberty of making instant decisions that go in the best interest of patients’ health. DNPs have undergone rigorous training that prepares them to lead a group of nurses, stay composed under challenging situations, and give attention to detail even under pressure. 

DNPs work hard to serve humanity. Below we are listing down a few ways DNPs can help other healthcare workers deliver better patient care:

1. Promoting positive treatment outcomes

Healthcare systems are often burdened with a continuous in-flow of patients and limited resources to work with. An increasing number of people are suffering from illnesses. Many unfortunate incidents bring injured people to the hospital, making it difficult for nurses to accommodate. DNPs are skillful individuals who have fantastic management skills. They ensure that the patients receive the proper treatment by hiring talented nurses who bring their best version to the workplace and provide patients necessary medication. DNPs provide junior nurses with training opportunities and help them sharpen their skills. DNPs maintain a professional environment to promote positive treatment outcomes for patients.

Apart from traditional courses, prestigious universities offer online degree programs now, and nurses can enroll in an online DNP program to improve their functioning. It allows them to schedule their timetable as per their schedule. 

2. Keen observation

Nurses need to pay attention to detail, as they are aware that nothing is insignificant in nursing. DNPs are keenly observant, and they hardly ever miss out on anything. They understand that minute changes can lead to something drastic. They ensure to cater to changes in pulse rating, heartbeats, and other vitals immediately. A junior nurse may overlook some aspects of patient care, but DNP does not miss around because the added skill and experience makes them more vigilant on the job. 

3. Effective communication

Communication skills are viable for success in any field. DNPs are the link that connects patients, doctors, and patients’ families, and they need to have impeccable communication skills. DNPs often have to give unfortunate news updates about patients’ condition, sometimes to patients’ families, and directly to patients. They choose their words carefully and speak appropriately to update them with honesty while being considerate. DNPs regularly need updates from junior nurses, and they ask important questions to learn about the nurses’ working patterns. 

4. Keeping up with evidence-based practice

Staying updated with current happenings is the need of the time. Still, it is more critical that DNPs stay abreast with new advancements when it comes to nursing. Technology is continually bringing new tools and unique pieces of equipment, making nursing operations more straightforward. DNPs read more, watch more content about their fields, and continue to expand their horizons. DNPs often have to make instant decisions considering resources, staff, and patients’ health. Evidence-based practice enables them to analyze and evaluate the current situation and make well-founded decisions based on researches findings. They measure the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatments and then act accordingly. DNPs are proactive and take the reins in their hands when their junior nurses cannot decide due to inexperience. 

5. Motivating other nurses

DNPs serve as leaders, and they are the ones who can steer a group of nurses in the right direction. They understand that motivated nurses perform to the best of their abilities and offer better care to patients. DNPs ensure to have a motivated work environment and encourage nurses and compliment them on their extraordinary performance. DNPs are role models, and they establish the work culture with their leadership skills. They share a strong bond and encourage people to discuss their issues with them. DNPs do not hesitate to step in junior nurses’ shoes when the need arises, which gives nurses a feeling of inclusiveness.

6. Demonstrating effective leadership

Gone are the days when people believed that leaders are born. The new phenomenon is that leaders can be made with proper guidance. DNPs demonstrate effective leadership by being a role model. They follow the organization’s rules and practice its values and expect the same from their coworkers. DNPs ensure that the nursing staff understands that their primary objective is to provide patients with proper treatment and help them recover. 

7. Elevating the nursing profession

DNPs are equipped with advanced skills and have an in-depth insight into the field of nursing. They have a more substantial impact and can positively influence other nurses, to improve their operations and enhance their learning. They use digital tools to collect, review, and analyze data and prescribe the best course of action in their clinical practice. DNPs ensure that nurses work with enthusiasm and provide patients with optimal care. 


Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in patients’ recovery. Doctors of Nursing Practice work at an advanced level and supervise a group of nurses. They motivate nurses to work to the best of their abilities and help patients heal in a shorter duration. DNPs help other healthcare workers improve the efficiency of the organization, ultimately leading to better patient care.

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