Tips To Relaxing Good-Quality Sleep

  1. Make sure the bedroom is dark enough and that no light is passing through.

Use heavy curtains, an eye mask, or window blinds to block light. Avoid bright lights should you want to wake up in the middle of the night too. You might also want to invest in noise-canceling earplugs as well.

2. Do not have a heavy meal 2 hours to bedtime.

Going to bed in a full-stomach only makes it hard to fall asleep quickly. That said, consider having your dinner several hours before, and only snack before bed. Have a glass of milk (contains tryptophan) if possible before heading to bed.

3. Get a good dose of physical exercise during the day.

This can be in the form of walking to work, in the park or even taking the stairs. Anything strenuous aside from sex should be avoided 3 hours to your bedtime.

4. Avoid the afternoon nap and create a bedtime routine, as well.

Stick to the routine for the best results.

5. Only go to bed when calm and relaxed.

Do not work on anything stressful several hours to bedtime.

6. Avoid anything that might cause you to go to bed stressed.

Heated arguments are unhealthy for your sleep too.

7. Keep pets away from the bedroom.

As much as you love and adore your pets, allowing them in the bedroom might the reason you cannot sleep well at night. Have them sleep in a separate room to be able to sleep without distractions.

8. Set bedroom temperatures just above 54°F and below 75°F.

Proper ventilation is also required to make it as comfortable as possible.

9. Take on relaxation exercises

such as yoga, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.

10.  Only use the bedroom for sleep and sex.

Everything else should be done elsewhere. If you have to use your bedroom for work, study or relaxing try installing a loft bed to separate the living space from the sleeping space.

11. Avoid caffeinated drinks and products 6 hours to bedtime.

This includes chocolate, cola, coffee, and tea.

12. Avoid alcohol 2-3 hours to bedtime.

Taking alcohol within this time only increases body metabolism, one of the reasons you have to make repeated trips for short calls. Alcohol dependence causes withdrawal symptoms, which could also affect your ability to fall asleep.

These are only a few tips to help you sleep well and soundly at night. The main idea is to keep your bedroom cool enough, quiet, and comfortable. This may also mean investing in good quality and comfortable bed. Consider having foods that promote sleep to help your body drift to sleep quickly. These include bananas, turkey, milk, and fish.