It’s no secret that social media has become ubiquitous in many aspects of our lives, including how we communicate and how we share our thoughts and experiences. With so many different platforms out there to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is best for your needs.
There are some very distinct differences between Twitter and Instagram: the main ones being the type of content shared, the number of users each has, and what they’re usually used for.
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Twitter is a social networking service that allows users to read and post short 140-character messages. It’s exclusively for sharing thought-provoking quotes or interesting pieces of information, rather than sharing pictures on a regular basis.
The main difference between Twitter and Instagram is the number of users. Millions of people use Twitter as a means to communicate with each other, but the number of users has remained relatively constant throughout its existence.
How Many People Use Twitter?
Twitter has amassed over 300 million users that keeps growing daily, making it one of the most successful social media platforms on the web.
Although there aren’t many things that can compare to its popularity, a study conducted by scientists at MIT discovered that Twitter has more than 1 trillion tweets sent per day, and a staggering 70% of Twitter’s active users send more than 10 tweets per day.
What Can You Post on Twitter?
The main reason people use Twitter is to share little pieces of information without having to create huge blog posts. The majority of tweets are shared with just 140 characters and are used as conversation starters or quick information bursts.
With over one billion monthly active users, Instagram is currently the most popular social media app in the world. While some people use it for personal communication, it’s more commonly used for sharing pictures or videos or to get more Instagram views from
These activities are usually accompanied by text explaining what’s going on in the picture/video. Instagram is for people who want a more visual experience when communicating, rather than the more analytical Twitter.
How many people use Instagram?
In 2010 when Instagram was first launched, it only had 13 million registered users. From there, however, it skyrocketed and now boasts over one billion monthly active users just six years later in 2016.
In a recent study conducted by Mashable, it was found that the average Instagram user has 9000 followers, which means that about 78% of Instagram users have under 9000 followers.
Of course there are other social media platforms out there with higher numbers of followers, but since Instagram is such a huge platform its users are spread all across the world.
What can you post on Instagram?
While some people post pictures and videos to communicate with their friends and family, most people use Instagram to share beautiful photos or videos they’ve taken.
It’s also used for sharing personal experiences and expressing one’s personality through photos and videos. It is primarily used by people who have one goal in mind: to get popular on Instagram.
Twitter vs Instagram- The ultimatum
The main difference between Twitter and Instagram is the type of content shared. Twitter is popular in the social media world because it’s a place where people talk about news or share little pieces of their lives along with other people they know.
Instagram, on the other hand, focuses more on sharing personal photos and videos where users can express who they are through their posts. This difference in focus gives Instagram an edge over Twitter because people don’t necessarily have to share information that’s relevant to everyone they know; they’re only sharing it with their followers, who happen to be millions strong.
Another difference between the two is the number of users. While Twitter has a large number of users, it’s grown at a steady pace over its lifetime and shows no signs of slowing down.
The amount of photos and videos shared on Instagram, however, has been growing rapidly since it was first introduced in 2010. With an increase in popularity, more people have flocked to Instagram to be a part of the trend.
These differences are important because they directly affect which service is best for specific needs. While Twitter can be used to share a lot of information, Instagram is primarily used for pictures and videos. So if you’re looking to share images with the world, Instagram is the way to go.
However, if you’re looking to quickly send out a few thoughts or ideas on a piece of content and don’t have time to write them out in detail before publishing, then Twitter is usually your best bet so to gain more Engagement you must buy Twitter Followers from
So, it’s up to you to decide which service works better than the other in certain contexts and how each can be used effectively as part of your social media strategy.