What Exactly Is This Red Light Therapy?

The conversation about red light has been going on for quite some time. A growing number of studies backs up the versatile benefits of red light therapy, making it an interesting means of treatment for many people around the world. But what exactly is the philosophy behind the famous red light therapy? In this short but informative article, we break down everything you need to know about this revolutionary solution. 

Red Light Therapy 101

Red light therapy is a form of phototherapy that consists of being exposed to low-level wavelengths of light to enhance numerous functions of your body and mind. The primary source of light therapy’s power is the effect it has on ATP production. When we are exposed to red light, mitochondria (a.k.a cell’s powerhouse) starts producing ATP much more rapidly. This means that each of our cells has more fuel to use for various functions, including regeneration. So, for instance, if you’re battling with inflammation, red light therapy sessions can help your body handle it much more efficiently due to enhanced ATP levels. 

But that’s not all there is – RLT has shown to be a significant addition in treating common issues such as acne, muscle fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, sleep deprivation, immune deficiency, and even depression. 

Popular Uses Of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a non-invasive method of treatment and it has no proven side effects. Here are some of the most notable benefits of red light therapy:

Skin Benefits 

In the era of skin care-awareness, red light therapy has its share of advantages to offer. In fact, RLT is highly-recommended by dermatologists due to its anti-inflammatory effects that help fight severe acne and bacterial infection. What’s more, continuous exposure to red light wavelengths has been proven to minimise the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines associated with ageing. 

Stimulated Healing 

If you have a scar that you’ve been trying to get rid of forever or a wound that takes longer to heal, red light treatment sessions might help. Studies show that low-level light therapy promotes rapid tissue repair. Because of this characteristic, red light is quite popular in professional athletes who need quick recovery from injuries and muscle fatigue. 

Sleep Benefits 

Unlike other types of light, red light has a positive effect on sleep quality. Several studies suggest that red light wavelengths are soothing for the human brain. Moreover, RLT enhances melatonin (sleep hormone) production, which results in sounder sleep. 

Energy Boost 

Red light therapy not only energies our cells but also increases our general energy levels as well. Here’s how it works – due to increased ATP, more oxygen is delivered to your brain and muscles, resulting in higher physical stamina and enhanced cognitive functions. 

How Do I Get Red Light Therapy?

A few years ago, getting light treatments was only possible in hospitals. Fortunately, technological advances have made it possible to enjoy the benefits of red light therapy from the comfort of our homes. So, if you’re thinking about giving RLT a try, an in-home red light therapy device might be an optimal choice for you.