Why condos are the way forward

Yeah houses are great and all, but condos are better! Don’t believe me? If you don’t want me to change your mind, then please don’t read this article. If you have an open mind and would like to know why condos are the way forward, get your reading glasses out 


Having a huge range of facilities at your disposal is a big plus of having a condo over a house. For example in these carolina dunes myrtle beach for sale you’ll be able to access a great range of things to keep you busy. For example Carolina Dunes itself has the prime location offering everyone (yes, everyone) ocean facing views without any obstructions. So every condo faces the ocean without a huge ungly building blocking the view, isn’t that nice. This area has a much more residential vibe to it. Getting away from the vacationers from all over the country and making you feel more at home

Community feel

If you live alone, having people around you can help you from feeling isolated and even bored. Having someone to talk to each day, even making friends will be much easier for you. You’ll feel more like your in a college dorm, minus the bad smells and loud late night parties 

Great investment opportunity 

Whether or not you’re buying for yourself or to increase your passive income. Condos on the coast are a very prosperous choice. You can rent it as a holiday home for people who want to come away from their 9-5 life and escape the rush

Maintenance is cheaper

Maintenance is all handled for you. You don’t need to worry about keeping on top of the gas or the boiler. No need to be fishing the flies out of the pool or keeping the flowers and trees in check. Condos have staff hired specifically for these chores that you would usually have to do in a normal freestanding house. That’s of course if you don’t hire staff, but who’s really go the money for that

Cheaper, especially in the long run

I said in the long run because condos dont really work out to be cheaper than normal free standing houses in a neighborhood. But let’s make an example. If you have a condo, you’ll likely have facilities like a swimming pool and fitness centre available to you. Houses dont come with that, which usually means spending your hard earned money on a costly swimming pool membership. A lot of the time you won’t even end up making the most of it because you’ll have to leave the house for it. In condos its right on your doorstep, this makes it super easy for you to stay fit and keep busy

Closing thoughts 

I may have made it look like there are no negatives of getting a condo, well there are. They do exist. I just think its much more of a clever move to go for a condo over a house

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