How to Get Waveform on Eyepiece Sony FX6

The Sony FX6 is a popular professional video camera that is widely used by filmmakers, videographers, and other content creators. One of the features that make the FX6 a versatile tool is its ability to display waveforms on the eyepiece. Waveforms are essential tools for monitoring video signals, and they allow users to assess exposure and color accuracy in real-time. In this article, we’ll show you how to get waveform on eyepiece Sony FX6.

Getting Waveform on Eyepiece Sony FX6

Step 1: Turn on the Camera

The first step is to turn on the camera and wait for it to fully boot up. Once the camera is ready, you’ll see the main menu on the LCD screen.

Step 2: Access the Menu

To access the menu, press the menu button on the side of the camera. The menu will appear on the LCD screen.

Step 3: Select the Waveform Option

Scroll down the menu until you see the “Waveform” option. Use the joystick on the camera’s side to select the waveform option.

Step 4: Choose the Type of Waveform

Once you have selected the waveform option, you can choose the type of waveform you want to display on the eyepiece. You can select from several different types of waveforms, including RGB, YCbCr parade, and luminance.

Step 5: Activate the Waveform

After choosing the waveform type, activate the waveform by toggling the waveform button located near the eyepiece. You should now see the waveform displayed on the eyepiece.

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Q: What is a waveform?

A: A waveform is a graphical representation of the video signal’s luminance levels. It allows users to monitor exposure and color accuracy in real-time.

Q: Why is it important to use waveforms?

A: Waveforms are important because they provide an accurate representation of the video signal’s luminance levels. They can help ensure that the footage is properly exposed and color-graded.

Q: What other features does the Sony FX6 have?

A: The Sony FX6 has several features that make it a versatile tool for filmmakers and videographers. These include a full-frame sensor, high dynamic range, and advanced autofocus.


How to Get Waveform on Eyepiece Sony FX6 a straightforward process that allows users to monitor their footage’s exposure and color accuracy in real-time. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can activate the waveform display and choose the type of waveform you want to see. While the process may take some time to get used to, using waveforms is an essential tool for any filmmaker or videographer looking to produce high-quality footage.

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