Joseph Bonner fights bullying through public relations

Many who face bullying today wish there were some sort of light symbol they could flash in the air, like in Batman, and a hero would come running to save the day. Bullying is becoming an increasingly global issue, and Cyberbullying has enhanced the practice of getting bullied, with over 9.3 million seeking help with bullying in 2016 from just one source. Even adults are do not escape the harms of bullying with Forbes reporting that some 75% of workers are impacted by bullying. In the face of this rising global darkness, a new hero has stepped up save the day, but he needs your help to keep making a difference.

Producer, Publisher, CEO, and Anti-Bullying Program Founder Joseph Bonner has stepped in to answer the call for help from the millions facing bullying with seemingly nowhere to turn.

In November of 2019, Bonner created the Bully Avengers Anti-Bullying Program and launched the National Bullying Intervention Talk-Line that allows youths and adults in the US to report bullying by calling his 800 number. Additionally, youths and adults can report bullying internationally by filling out the contact form on the Bully Avengers website.

Just how is all of this Anti-Bullying program funded? Though publicity and media services offered by Joseph Bonner though his company, Joseph Bonner PR. The money earned allows him to fund the international program aimed at providing support to youths and adults being plagued by bullying. Some of the services include radio features, magazine features in Legend Magazine, management, and publicity representation for public figures.

“Joseph Bonner PR is a fantastic way to enhance your brand in 2020 and support a good cause,” Joseph explains. He continues, ” We really need to fight bullying as a community. I can’t do this without the support of my clients. So, for me, all of my clients are very special because they are involved in a special work just by securing a feature or contract through my company.

Unlike Batman, you don’t have to shine the bat symbol in Gotham City to call on his help. Simply visit the Bully Avengers website at or reach out to Bonner on social media. He is always willing to help.

Why not join him in the fight against bullying and help save millions of lives.