5 Essential Skills for Running a Business

Not everyone can run a business. For your business to flourish, it’s less about your educational background or financial capabilities, but your outlook and skill set. If you’re curious about what it takes to run a successful business, here are a few key skills you’ll need to develop.

1. Financial management

Realistically speaking, your business runs on your ability to generate profit and to maximise your profit, you need to be able to forecast sales and manage costs. A lot of major business decisions rely on finances, whether you’re a manufacturing plant in need of hydraulic power packs or a theme park owner considering expanding your attractions, there’s a lot you need to consider before you even approve any purchase. Do you have enough funds? When do you expect your ROI on this cost? Is it possible to get it cheaper from another supplier? Not being careless with money is essential in keeping your business afloat in times of economic recession.

2. Leadership

Leadership is more than just delegating tasks and making speeches. Leadership is also about uplifting your employees and helping them reach their fullest potential. Remember that employees are people, not cogs in a machine. Make them feel valued by acknowledging and acting on their suggestions, concerns and needs. Happy and motivated employees are more productive and more likely to stay.

3. Communication and networking 

Communication is essential in countless different areas of a business. You will need to communicate with your investors, suppliers, partners, employees, and customers, on a daily basis. Through effective communication, you can build positive and lasting relationships that will help your business grow. Always put your best foot forward and make a good impression no matter the situation. You never know when you’ll meet your next big investor.

4. Professionalism and customer service 

It’s common to see businesses use social media to communicate with their customers in an overly playful and casual manner. Back in the day, people would have rolled their eyes and called it unprofessional, but at present, it’s an approved marketing tactic that humanises the brand and builds consumer loyalty. However, remember that there is a time and place for this behaviour. When a customer brings up a poor experience with your product or service in your social media comments, be diplomatic and offer them concrete solutions, as well as avenues to contact you privately. 

5. Crisis management 

If there’s anything 2020 has taught us, is that crisis management needs to be expanded to cover as many worst-case scenarios as possible. You need to plan for every possible disruption be it natural disasters, technological innovations, pandemics, and so on. By being adequately prepared for any crisis, you can minimise damage to your business and your shareholders.

Being a business owner isn’t easy. It’s not a straightforward path, and no one will be able to give you all the right answers, but once you gain your rhythm, you will find that owning a successful business is one of the most fulfilling things in life.