5 Things to Expect When Going for Fertility Evaluation

Nearly everyone dreams of a time when they can start a family. But for some reason, a couple who has been trying to conceive might not achieve their dreams due to special reasons.  If you belong to this category, it is time you went to a South Charleston fertility evaluation expert to find out the cause and possibly offer advanced treatments. Meanwhile, you might be wondering what to expect when you decide to book your appointment with the Patel & Patel, M.D., Inc. team. Here is what you need to know about this medical procedure.

1.  Your medical history plays a significant role in determining fertility evaluation

Ideally, you should get pregnant within the first year if you have been engaging in regular unprotected sex and are of reproductive age. Beyond that means you have a fertility problem. The first step of fertility evaluation involves assessing your medical history. Your doctor may request you to come with your medical history documents and your partner to determine the cause.

2.  Dedicate your time to it

A medical issue as serious as infertility requires lengthy consultation because your doctor wants to learn about your current health situation as much as possible. So get ready to answer questions based on your sexual life, menstrual cycle, or any medical issues that could aggravate your fertility problem.

3.  You might undergo pelvic exams and other tests

Pelvic exams vary depending on the severity of your problem. For example, if you suspect that your pelvic pain has something to do with your infertility, a gynecologist may perform pelvic exams or vaginal ultrasounds. Your doctor relies on these two exams to see the structures of your uterus and ovaries. Expect some minor discomfort as the procedure is conducted. Afterward, your doctor will inform you about what they find and answer any questions you may have.

4.  A follow-up appointment may apply

After identifying the cause of your infertility, your doctor may offer treatment options or advise you on what to do to boost your chances of getting pregnant. After that, you may need to come back for follow-up fertility screening via blood work. Other tests your doctor may recommend are for STIs or thyroid function. Also, your male partner might need to go for semen analysis to determine their sperm count, shape, and movement.

5.  Expect last-minute questions before leaving the clinic

Your doctor already knows how nervous you are about learning a thing or two about your condition. For this reason, they may refer you to a nurse to answer any last-minute questions you may have and schedule your follow-up appointment.

Schedule an appointment today

It is one thing to discover you could be infertile while seeking early treatment is another. Before drawing any conclusions, you should first go for a fertility evaluation. The sooner you go for it, the earlier you will get a solution to your problem. Also, remember to go with your male partner to find out if they could be infertile. To learn more about fertility evaluation sessions, schedule an online consultation with your gynecologist today.