Everything You Need to Know About Basal Cell Carcinoma

Unhealed sores or elevated reddish developments commonly identify basal cell carcinoma. If you fear you have this type of skin cancer, contact the skin cancer experts at Ali Hendi, MD’s clinic in Chevy Chase, MD. Dr. Hendi offers efficient outpatient techniques at the practice, including Mohs surgery, which provides a 95% treatment rate for basal cell carcinomas while reducing scarring. Dr. Hendi and his team are delighted to serve the Washington, DC/DMV region and its neighboring communities. To access top-level care, arrange an appointment with a Chevy Chase basal cell carcinoma specialist through mobile or use the online scheduling tool.

What Is the Etiology of Basal Cell Carcinoma?

A large proportion of basal cell skin malignancies result from recurrent UV (ultraviolet) radiation exposure. UV radiation from a tanning bed or the sunlight could harm the DNA within your skin cells.

DNA serves as a cellular core element for your genes, which control diverse tasks in your cells. Unusual mutations in your DNA impact your genes, leading to abnormal cell growth. As a consequence, skin cancer develops.

How Do Basal Cell Carcinomas Appear?

Basal cell skin carcinoma could manifest itself in various ways. The developments are frequently delicate and could bleed upon shaving. They could appear as the following:

  • Elevated, reddish patches
  • Crusted, oozing sores
  • Sores that do not cure
  • Scarlike flat region
  • Tiny, transparent, or pearly lumps
  • Pink developments with a recessed center

Basal cell carcinomas are typically found on the face, neck, or head, but they could form elsewhere on the body.

What Are the Symptoms of Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Your doctor at Ali Hendi, MD’s office checks the development or developments, noting the suspicious region’s hue, size, form, and feel. They check to see if it is crusting, bleeding, or seeping. They could also request that they examine other areas of your body for spots, which can be associated with basal cell carcinoma.

If your physician feels your development is malignant, they could suggest a skin biopsy. A biopsy consists of numbing the region and removing a tiny tissue sample to assess underneath a microscope.

Your physician could conduct a skin biopsy in various ways. A practical approach depends on the probable form of carcinoma, size, position, and other variables.

The two sorts of biopsies entail a punch biopsy, which utilizes a thin, cookie-cutter-like device to take a sample, or a shave biopsy, wherein your physician eliminates a slice of the development with a scalpel.

What Is the Most Effective Care for Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Your doctor at Ali Hendi, MD’s clinic, could suggest Mohs surgery- an extremely successful therapy. For occurrences of basal cell carcinoma, Mohs surgery has a 99% cure rate while reducing scarring.

Your doctor conducts the treatments on-site at Ali Hendi, MD. The procedure entails the accurate excision of malignant tissue. The tissue is then checked underneath a microscope to confirm that all cancerous cells are eliminated.

Additional care alternatives include freezing, excision, or scraping the malignant tissue. Call the office of Ali Hendi, MD, or book an appointment online to discuss the most appropriate skin cancer care for you today.

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