Around 90% of the world population uses social media platforms to socialize and promote their business. The rising trend of social media has given birth to several new platforms in the last decade.
All these social media platforms are different from each other. But one thing that all of them have in common is the option to set a profile picture, also known as “display picture.”
Setting up a profile picture is important because it allows others to identify your account. Let’s say, your name is Zack Falcon. But there could be hundreds of Zack Falcon on Facebook. This is where your profile picture will help your friends and others to find you.
Speaking of profile pictures, should you put up a funny profile picture. This is a question many of you ask. Let’s answer that once and for all.You can check out more apps on Techwino as well.
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What is a funny profile picture?
A funny profile picture refers to something funny like cartoons, memes, or anything humorous that you put on your display picture. It could be a picture of you making a funny face as well.
Many people prefer to set a funny profile picture to be more humorous. Well, there is no harm in setting such a display picture as long as you are not doing it on a professional social platform such as LinkedIn.
Should you put a funny profile picture?
So many of you want to know whether putting up a funny profile picture is good. Well, it depends on several factors which we will be discussing in this section.
1. The social platform you are using
There are two types of social networking platforms, one that is meant for socializing, and the second that is made for professional networking. When using a social site like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter you can set up a funny profile picture. That’s because this account is meant for you to interact with your friends, so it is not harmful. Instead, you could crack a smile or two when someone visits your profile.
But on professional networks such as LinkedIn, it is better to put up your picture, a decent one. The reason is simple, this is a professional platform designed for spreading your network. This is the platform where you look for a job and interact with your employer or colleagues. So you need to keep it professional.
2. Your purpose of using social media accounts
Not all of us are using social media networks to make friends or share stories of our personal life. Many of us are on social platforms to take advantage of the business tools available.You can check out more apps on Techwino as well
For example, people use official business profiles on Facebook and Instagram to promote their business and services. If you are using your account or page for such a purpose, then there’s no point using a funny profile picture. In that case, people will not take your business seriously.
If you want to use funny profile pictures, you should use them on your social accounts that are meant for your friends and family. These are the things to be kept in mind when selecting the right profile picture.
Where can you find funny profile pictures?
Well, the internet is a wonderful place. There is nothing that you cannot find online. If you are looking for funny profile pictures, you will find tons of them on the web.
There are hundreds and thousands of websites offering funny pictures for free. However, some of the sites may charge you a minimal fee or ask you to subscribe. All you have to do is access any of these sites and download the pictures you want.
On the internet, you will find funny pictures of all qualities. Since you will be setting it as your profile picture, make sure that you download a high-quality one. You can download as many as you want without any limit.
From funny memes to hilarious cartoons, you will find it all. In case, you are the daring kind, you can also set a funny picture of yourself as your profile picture.
Funny profile pictures are humorous and putting them up on your social media accounts is completely fine. Just make sure you don’t use that account for your professional work.