Get to Learn More About Ozone Therapy, Its Uses, and Benefits

Whenever you desire to experience less chronic pain, natural healing, and a strong immune system, Ozone Therapy in Salt Lake City might be the best place for you. It has a team of qualified and experienced naturopathic physicians. These physicians offer you injections that detoxify your body and improve the overall quality of your life.

What is ozone therapy?

A natural form of treatment that embraces the use of ozone gas to help you heal from various health conditions from which you might be suffering. It involves the administration of ozone gas into your body tissues. It aids in limiting the effects of other disease-causing microorganisms such as molds, bacteria, yeast, viruses, and in other cases, toxins. Ozone gas is a super antioxidant suitable for general body detoxification and has been available since the 1800s.

What is the use of ozone therapy?

It is recommended when you have any of the following conditions: atherosclerosis, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, Raynaud’s syndrome, autoimmune disease, circulatory problems, multiple sclerosis, ischemic heart disease, neurological problems, or circulation problems. It is also efficient in relieving other conditions such as pancreatitis, infertility, chronic pain, cerebral vascular disorders, migraine headaches, cancer, kidney disease, and high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of ozone therapy?

It is safer since it is a natural form of therapy and can treat other various health conditions. It saves you the agony of recovery from an invasive surgical procedure since it is non-invasive. It also relieves you from the use of addictive pain medication such as morphine. It is at times used in combination with ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) treatment to increase its effectiveness. This UBI works by exposing your blood to UV light to boost the immune function of your body.

What should I expect during ozone treatment?

The first procedure done is obtaining your symptoms and medical history. The specialist and his able team will then perform a complete physical examination and recommend you for other tests such as X-rays, blood tests, urine tests, and other imaging procedures. These investigations will aid in diagnosing your condition and determining if ozone therapy is the right procedure for you.

The treatment procedure is done by first numbing your skin in the target areas and injecting ozone. This procedure is fast and painless, and you can resume your normal routine almost immediately. In addition, there is no downtime associated with this kind of procedure.

What happens after ozone therapy?

You will start experiencing some improvements in your health and how you feel after some time. You might be prescribed a series of these kinds of treatments together with occasional maintenance sessions for you to achieve maximum and satisfactory results.

In summary, such conditions can make you unproductive, but they can be relieved by this kind of treatment. So save yourself the agony of experiencing chronic pain or experiencing such disturbing symptoms, and also, if you desire natural healing and detoxification, contact Integrative Medica or book an appointment with them online for more inquiries.