How to Move Questie Tracker in TBC A Guide to Customizing

Are you an avid player of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic (TBC)? Do you find yourself constantly searching for quests or wandering aimlessly in-game? Look no further than the Questie Tracker, a popular add-on that helps players track their quests and streamline their gaming experience. In this article, we will discuss how to move Questie Tracker in TBC, as well as other customization tips.

Understanding Questie Tracker in TBC

What is Questie Tracker? Questie Tracker is an add-on for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic that helps players keep track of their quests. It provides a customizable interface that displays quest objectives and locations on the in-game map. Additionally, it offers features such as quest sharing and quest completion tracking.

Benefits of using Questie Tracker in TBC

There are many benefits to using Questie Tracker in TBC. For one, it streamlines the questing process by providing clear objectives and locations. This saves players time and frustration in searching for quests. Additionally, it allows players to easily share quests with party members and track their progress in completing them.

How to Move Questie Tracker in TBC

Step-by-Step Guide on Moving Questie Tracker

  1. Open the Questie Tracker interface by clicking the icon in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Click and hold the title bar of the Questie Tracker window.
  3. Drag the window to the desired location on your screen.
  4. Release the mouse button to set the new location of the window.

Tips for Customizing Questie Tracker in TBC

Aside from moving the Questie Tracker window, there are other ways to customize the add-on to fit your preferences. For example, you can change the size of the window, adjust the opacity, and choose which quest types to display. Additionally, you can set keybinds to toggle the Questie Tracker interface on and off.


Can I disable Questie Tracker in TBC?

Yes, you can disable Questie Tracker by opening the interface and clicking the “Disable” button.

How do I reset Questie Tracker in TBC?

You can reset Questie Tracker by typing “/questie reset” in the chat box.

Can I change the size of Questie Tracker in TBC?

Yes, you can change the size of the Questie Tracker window by opening the interface and clicking the “Resize” button. You can then drag the window to your desired size.


How to Move Questie Tracker in TBC A valuable add-on for TBC players looking to streamline their questing experience. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily move the Questie Tracker window to fit your preferences. Don’t forget to explore other customization options, such as changing the window size and opacity. Happy questing!