In very generic terms, Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water treatment process that removes contaminants from water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. Here during the process of filtration dissolved impurities and other contaminants are filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean, delicious drinking water.
It’s a multi-stage filtration process to remove different types of contaminants from water.
Why Have RO Water Purifier?
An RO water purifier uses a semi-permeable membrane which effectively removes impurities from your tap water and makes it safe for drinking and other purposes. However, in this process of removing the impurities from water, the RO purifier system can also remove some essential minerals which are required for our body.
The Reverse osmosis process is one of the essential ways of purifying water, and it makes water safe for drinking purposes. The system makes use of a semi-permeable membrane and pressurized mechanism to filter out contaminants and debris out of the water, allowing only clean water to pass through the membrane.
And since it provides clean drinking water, so it is essential to have RO water purifier. Here in the system through the process of reverse osmosis bacteria and dust particles gets eliminated from source water. Removing these bacteria and dust is significant because it causes different diseases. So to stay healthy, it is always necessary to drink bacteria free RO purified water.
How Water Purifier Works?
To understand the basic concept behind the working of an RO, let’s first understand Osmosis, a natural phenomenon. Osmosis –It is a process where a weaker saline solution will tend to migrate to a strong saline solution. The most common examples of the process osmosis are roots of plants absorbing water from the soil, and our kidneys absorbing water from our blood. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon and one of the most critical processes in nature.
And as the name itself suggests, Reverse Osmosis is the process of Osmosis in reverse. Whereas Osmosis occurs naturally without requiring the energy, to reverse the process of osmosis, you need to apply energy to the more saline solution. An RO membrane is a semi-permeable membrane which allows the water molecules but not the majority of dissolved salts, organics, bacteria, and other impurities to pass through it.
However, it needs to apply pressure that is greater than the naturally occurring osmotic pressure to ‘push’ the water through the reverse osmosis membrane. So to desalinate (demineralize or deionize) water in the process, allowing pure water through while holding back a majority of contaminants.
Why Service RO Water Purifier?
After using the RO for many months as a consumer, you may have noticed, the purified water is smelling bad, and it tastes terrible. Although your RO water purifier is still able to purifiers and removes most of the soluble and insoluble contaminants but micro-level contaminants being left in the water causing the bad smell and taste. And this is the sign of poor maintenance and problems with the water purifier.
The tap or supply water contains dissolved solids which are generally referred to as TDS, these impurities and germs make water unfit for consumption and other related uses. RO purifiers systems clean and filter this impure water and make it ready for use. Being one of the most widely used water purification methods in the world, this uses membrane technology to remove dissolved salts, impurities germs, and other contaminants from water. This semipermeable membrane of RO system separates viruses and dissolved chemicals from water.
Ro Service Center
In general, the ro service should be done once every six months to receive clean and healthy water for consumption without any break-down. In the process of ro service the entire part of the system like the post and pre-filters, membrane, water storage tank, water motor, pump, connecting pipes, and other part is checked and diagnosed for any fault. And if any faulty parts found they are replaced with new ones according to the terms of services. By regular ro service maintains the quality and purity of water and prevent waterborne diseases. So it is necessary to keep RO purifier in excellent and healthy shape. Now when it comes to choosing a ro service center, you should be little aware of the quality because it will have an impact on your health. There are many maintenance providers which allow booking the service directly from the online or from by placing a call. Apart from the quality of the other essential factors that you should look at is the price, time convenience. So the parameters of one provider with others because this will give you a better idea about service details.