Michele Calabrese Shares How to Regain Your Energy for a Fuller and Happier Life | Speed Keto

If you’re sick of feeling sick and tired all the time, maybe you need to look into changing up your diet and lifestyle. Sometimes, it’s all just a matter of picking up the right diet plan that could push you on the path of losing weight and boosting your overall well-being. After trying so many other programs, Michele Calabrese finally discovered the right one for her, and she gladly shares what she’s learned from sticking to her program.

Why did you try out Speed Keto?

Michele Calabrese – Speed Keto

There are so many reasons, but I have to say, the most important one is that I was just tired of being sick and tired. If I wanted to change it, I knew I needed a “plan.” From my past experiences, I knew that I needed something that spelled itself out completely. I needed something that gave me as little decision-making power as possible. In other words, I needed a plan that told me what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat. Speed Keto offered all this!

Did you follow other diet plans before?

Michele Calabrese – Speed Keto

Well, I feel like I’ve tried everything, from Jenny Craig, to Weight Watchers, Awaken 180, etc. But not one program or fad diet ever worked out for me long-term. Yes, I would lose weight, but once I stopped the “diet/program,” I would just gain all of it back, and then some. 

With Speed Keto, though, I feel like I’ve learned how diet actually affects me. From what to eat, how much to eat, and how certain foods affect me–Speed Keto taught me a lot. I feel like I’ve learned the most from Speed Keto. I’m also confident about sustaining my weight loss, because it’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle!

How do you feel about not needing to take “diet pills” or exogenous ketones as part of Speed Keto?

I was very pleased to learn that Speed Keto didn’t make me buy other “pills.” I only needed MCT oil/powder and electrolytes. What makes it a sustainable program is its focus on eating only real, whole foods.

Did Speed Keto boost your energy levels?

Absolutely. During Speed Keto, I noticed that my energy levels were simply fantastic. I also got lucky since I never had the Keto flu, and I also didn’t feel other issues like headaches or exhaustion. I always felt full of energy. 

Will you recommend Speed Keto to your friends and family?

I have recommended Speed Keto to people, and I will continue to do so. I actually had my mom eat some of the meals I prepared because she was suffering terribly from fibromyalgia. Now, not only has she felt that her fibromyalgia disappeared almost completely, but she has also lost over 40 pounds. She’s 73, and she looks and feels the best she has in over 50 years!

Which Speed Keto plan did you follow?

I followed the traditional Speed Keto plan with intermittent fasting. The first fast was difficult, but my early success pushed me forward, and it solidified my commitment to the program.

Additional resources for a healthier & happier life: 

·    Viva Day Spa

·    Why You Should Get Started On Keto