Siblings can be adorable and full of unconditional love, but when they live in the same house, they can’t escape and fight with each other. Arguing and fighting with your siblings (brothers and sisters) is normal: you spend so much time together under one roof, that is sure to happen! However, always allow your siblings to make sure that you love them and that you do not intend to hurt them. Because siblings are meant to fight with each other and that’s the beauty of this realtionship. Here are some common fights between siblings that you will relate for sure
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-Last piece of cake
Battle is valid! Because there is nothing as delicious as the last piece of cake.
– Who gets to sit in the car on any seat
That’s my seat! I came first….No that’s mine (i always sit here!) and the argument continues—
-Mommy-Papa’s Favorite
Because there is no greater reward than having a parent’s favorite child. And the favorite child gets everything- more love and more pocket money. That’s what siblings think (there is no as such favorite)
-Who left a wet towel on the bathroom floor?
It is clear that it is never ME. No it’s not mine! It’s yours! You took a shower in the end. And, there is no solution for this.
-Wearing clothes without permission
One sibling has cool clothes, the other does not, and who needs permission to wear each other’s clothes? They go with ‘what yours is mine’
Who’s doing the Laundry?
You have spilled a huge bowl of vegetable soup on your mom’s favorite sheet and you end up fighting who’s doing the laundry. Because no one will accept the mistake
Sharing food
When it comes to siblings, you all know that it is a dangerous game. They fight like cats and dogs over the food.
Phone Charger!
If they share the same brand of phone, this is sure a reason to fight. One will lose his/her charger then the game of borrowing will start which annoys the other one.
The festival that binds the siblings together is festivities and the most important festival that celebrates the bond of siblings is Raksha Bandhan, every year, sister ties silver rakhi or gold rakhi on the wrist of brother’s hand and in return brother vows to protect her from the bad evil. Even here, they don’t miss a chance to tease each other. Brother will annoy her sister by not getting her anything where sister will tease him with nicknames. And, the fight continues—
So, these were some common topics that you can relate with. No matter how siblings fight with each other at the end they are together. They will do anything to protect each other. So, on this raksha bandhan, put an end to your khatti meethi rivalry and get each other gifts to make the celebration special. Do your rakhi shopping online and get it delivered at their doorsteps as a surprise gift.