Why You Could Need the Services of an Oculofacial Surgeon

Droopy skin on the eyes is not desirable, and it could lower your self-image making you appear older while reducing vision. Cosmetic procedures that improve the eyes’ aesthetic seem scary, especially ones with complicated names such as oculofacial surgery. However, the oculofacial procedure is simple and can positively impact your life. The procedure could involve advanced eyelid, orbit, and duct system correction through different reconstructive surgery. You should contact Peoria blepharoplasty, who are experts in reconstruction surgery. They will inform you if you need the procedures, the surgical options at your disposal, and why you should opt for oculofacial surgery.

Oculofacial Procedures

Facial restoration procedures around the eyes-lids and eyebrows fall under oculofacial procedures, and they could be either reconstructive or cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic procedures on the eyelids could be stigmatized, but this should not make you avoid getting one to improve your features and vision. Oculofacial procedures could help you achieve your goals and transform your life.

Surgical Options at Your Disposal

  • An eyelid blepharoplasty is a form of oculofacial procedure that removes aging signs as it corrects sagging eyelids and puffiness. You could choose to get Botox and other neurotoxins, which smoothes wrinkles and restores youthfulness.
  • You could also opt for skin cancer removal surgery and facial reconstruction to remove benign lesions on the eyelids.
  • You could also correct eyelid abnormalities such as drooping eyelids and entropion.
  • You could also manage orbital disorders like inflammation, thyroid eye disease, and tumors. 
  • Traumas that fracture the eyelids could be corrected using oculofacial surgery
  • You could also opt to remove blind painful eyes.

Tips for Choosing an Oculofacial Surgeon

Although most plastic surgeons could perform any of the procedures, it could help to choose an experienced oculoplastic surgeon instead. They are experienced and trained to handle surgeries of tissues around the eyes. They could understand the balance required to conduct eye surgery, which helps maintain the eyes’ function. Insist on checking the certification papers, which indicate the level of education and experience. It could also help if they showed you the pictures of their previous work, mostly the contrast between the photos before surgery and those taken after surgery. Check their work for consistency to avoid any complications that could arise from the surgery.


Your oculofacial surgeon will physically check the eye area for any deformities that could require surgery. They could then take your medical history, which indicates the deformity such as the trauma or congenital disabilities. They might also diagnose other underlying conditions and refer you to experts who could adequately deal with the conditions.

The Bottom Line

Puffy and drooping eyes could lower your self-esteem; fortunately, you can correct these issues at the oculofacial surgeon’s office. It would help if you saw their certification and previous work before choosing a surgeon. The chosen oculofacial surgeon could determine the surgery’s success, and you do not want to compromise on the final results. Ask for recommendations of the oculofacial surgeon from your primary healthcare provider as they work closely with surgeons.