A fairly common aspect for those who start a web or blog project is that they want to position it quickly in search engine. An expert knows that it is not a simple task to rank any brand without any hassles in search engine. When it comes to rank in search engine, you will find these 9 common mistakes and today I am going to write down the most common mistakes of Google positioning.
Have you set any objectives?
Although it seems stupid, you have to set some goals to know which path you should choose. Why do you want to make a blog or website?
An objective must be set prior you start anything. When it comes to Google positioning then your objective can be either ranking a keywords or deriving a quality traffic to your blog.
Do you know about your target audience?
Knowing the tastes, needs or aspects of potential users can help channel objectives, keywords and content to be published. If we don’t know which audience we are going to, how are we going to succeed? The logical thing is to focus on a user with a specific sex, age, lifestyle or employment before trying to write for everyone and not end up convincing anyone.
What are the plans & hierarchy you are following?
When we have goals, we must establish ways to achieve them. If the goal is for users to read your posts, how are we going to do it? Simply by asking yourself these types of questions can reach the relevant decision-making process, such as access to related posts insight and with images or phrases that encourage the user to continue reading.
Do you know the important of metrics analysis?
Digital Marketing agencies or any freelance expert always measure objectives quantitatively. If you want an increase in average time users spend per page and if we do not establish an objective or measure to make it happen then there is no point to set it. If we make a decision and the average time decreases without something that allows us to measure it, we cannot know what is wrong.
Position in generic keywords
A very common mistake is to position oneself in words that have many visits but where the competition is brutal. A “digital agency” page is useless if you compete against the web with millions of monthly visits. In this case, positioning yourself for words with fewer visits but with no strong competition is the best asset.
For example, positioning with keyword “digital agency” can be a strategy for failure, positioning with something like “digital agency in Houston” may be better.
The Google Adwords Keyword Tool allows you to analyze the keywords as well as the related ones. Before creating a page or blog, it is best to analyze how we want to position ourselves.
Think the title and description before writing
Typically, we spent hours and hours on writing a post but we don’t devote a few seconds to the first thing that potential users will read i.e. titles and descriptions. A good meta title and description should contain the following attributes:
– Include keywords
– Respect the maximum extension to avoid being cut
– Be attractive to users
When we talked about goals, one way to know what goals we need is to know our customers. If we know the needs of our readers, we can write so that we solve them satisfactorily. If our users, for example, seek information “by urgency”, perhaps guaranteeing results in the title itself is what we need.
Do not duplicate content from other web pages
Talking about many issues is difficult, and a little external inspiration is not bad. However, we cannot copy the content of another web page. Google seriously penalizes this aspect, so our content must be unique.
We are going to put an example. You write a post that has taken you a couple of hours and publish it. Another website with greater authority plagiarizes the content and Google by mistake penalizes you for duplicating the contents. What to do?
Unfortunately, there is no solution, it is best to delete the post from your page to avoid duplicate content. However, I don’t want to discourage you, there is a trick to prevent this. You can index the content manually, that is, that Google records the existence of the article. When you start a blog, a Google Spider can take months to verify that your page exists and send it to the search list. If the articles need months to be recognized, there is the possibility of plagiarism by competitors. With Webmaster Tools or publishing the content on Google + you can index the content quickly, avoiding scares in the future.
Poor quality content
From short texts, without keywords, unattractive to the reader, with only keywords without a user knowing what he reads, content with hidden text for only Google to read … there are many ways to create poor quality content. You must write so that your audience finds it interesting. Only then can you really bring quality to your project even with long-term results.
Traffic is not all that glitters
Many beginners only care that there are visits on their website. This may be a priori positive, but what really counts are quality visits. Those visits that do not bounce, are reading time, revisit the contents … are the visits that Google really values. It is very easy to capture traffic, the difficult thing is that they serve to meet the objectives.
Unless your blog is intended for advertising, most should look for quality visits.