Wanting to try out the PDF format as a way for you to present your excel files in a meeting or for sharing them with a client, so your presentation is visible. But having doubts about the outcomes of the things that might happen in the event of converting it?.
For converting your PDFs, you might think it is hard, and the results might be different from the original format it has. But with the right website, your original form won’t change a thing upon conversion.
Table of Contents
Learning more about PDF
You might be wondering about PDFs’ purpose and why it is better for you to share your files by using PDF and not excel itself and why it does Excel to PDF converter even exist. Only a few love to use PDF. For this reason, they thought it’s hard to process PDF files and edit what is inside them.
But in reality, PDFs are much more comfortable and much more professional than the original format. PDF files are now known as electronic papers. Not everyone understands why it is so important to convert every file into PDF. Not everyone understands why it is so prevalent in the business world, even in the government world.
There can be many factors that you will learn along the way to understand the format PDF. That can give you an understanding of why you should convert each of every file you have into PDF.
Benefits you gain from using PDF.
Like the paper we are using, PDF files can combine any information in a single PDF file. Using PDF sharing, different kinds of files like your phone-bills, construction drawings, etc., can be presented faithfully. That is why they called PDF files the world’s electronic document format.
PDF files are much more secure than any other type of format available. If you’re a business owner, you are probably prone to cyber-attacks. They can expose all of your essential documents. MS Excel can be easily breached, but with PDF, you can put passwords so hackers or someone who wants to leak info can’t open your files.
It is not as hard as you thought it is. Creating PDFs is much easier than making the original format or the excel files since websites like PDFBear are now available online and can be accessed on any device. Hence, converting your excel into PDF is just a few clicks away.
Excel files can be large and may take up too much of your storage. That is why PDF was made to decrease its size to lessen the hold it takes up from your devices. The outcome of the reduced size is still excellent.
Unlike Excel that requires you to have a specific application on your mobile phones to open the spreadsheet, PDF files are accessible through your phone without requiring you to download necessary applications.
Like web page content inside the PDFs are straightforward to access. Since they are made to interact with the user, you can search through the whole PDF file, add bookmarks, etc. You can also open your PDF files online without downloading them.
These can be just a few benefits you can gain from converting your files into PDF. There are many more benefits you will learn along the way when you are already a PDF user. You won’t lose anything in trying out the PDF format.
Why some choose PDF
Since the PDF file was created, many users tried it as a way of sharing their files. Tons of the professional world often require their employees to use PDF files in submitting electronic papers.
PDF file format is very particular about every arrangement. It will become what you want to become; for instance, you want to use it for your spreadsheet, images, drawing presentations, etc. A PDF file will willingly welcome all kinds of formats that want to be converted to PDF.
The PDF files are much more professional appeal than any other word format. For instance, the resume you sent to your employer can be in a PDF file format; the legal agreement papers you receive can also be in PDF format because PDF is clear to understand.
So like the others who use PDF. Try it out now like them; you might be using it again for your presentations. You also don’t have to worry about the fees because you can convert your files online, for instance, in PDFBear, for free.
PDFBear understands your worries about all of the problems you face with your files. For these reasons, they created tools that can help you overcome these kinds of issues in the future.