The Shocking Truth About Lusi Yang Rate My Professor Analysis

Lusi Yang Rate My Professor is a website that allows students to rate their professors based on their teaching abilities, course difficulty, and overall ratings. While the website has helped students in selecting the right professors for their courses, it has also faced criticism due to the subjective nature of the reviews.

Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business accused Lusi Yang, a former assistant professor, of using Rate My Professor to select students based on their physical appearance. Yang’s alleged behaviour has brought to light the questionable use of Rate My Professor by professors and the potential consequences it has on students.

How Rate My Professor Works

Lusi Yang Rate My Professor allows students to anonymously rate their professors based on various criteria, including easiness, helpfulness, and clarity. The website aggregates these ratings and displays them on the professor’s page.

The Problems with Rate My Professor

While Rate My Professor has helped students in selecting the right professors for their courses, there are several problems with the website. Firstly, the website’s ratings are subjective, and a student’s experience with a professor may differ from another student’s experience. Secondly, the website allows students to rate professors anonymously, which can lead to fake reviews or malicious ratings.

The Lusi Yang Scandal

In 2020, Lusi Yang Rate My Professor, former assistant at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, was accused of using Rate My Professor to select students based on their physical appearance. Yang allegedly gave higher grades to attractive students and lower grades to unattractive students.

The Consequences

The allegations against Yang have brought to light the questionable use of Rate My Professor by professors and the potential consequences it has on students. The use of physical appearance to select students is discriminatory and can harm students who do not fit into society’s beauty standards. Additionally, the use of Rate My Professor to select students can harm students who do not receive high ratings on the website, regardless of their academic abilities.

The Impact on the Academic Community

The Lusi Yang scandal highlights the need for transparency in the use of Rate My Professor by professors. While the website can be a useful tool for students, professors should not use it to discriminate against students based on their physical appearance or ratings on the website. Professors should also be transparent about how they use the website and ensure that it does not harm students’ academic experiences.

The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion

The use of physical appearance to select students also highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion in the academic community. Professors should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their physical appearance or other characteristics. Additionally, the academic community should work to address systemic issues that lead to discrimination and bias in academia.


Q: What is Rate My Professor?

A: Rate My Professor is a website that allows students to rate their professors based on various criteria, including easiness, helpfulness, and clarity.

Q: How does Rate My Professor work?

A: Students can use Rate My Professor to anonymously rate their professors, and the ratings are displayed on the professor’s page on the website. The ratings are based on various criteria such as easiness, helpfulness, clarity, and more.

Q: What are the problems with Rate My Professor?

A: One of the main problems with Rate My Professor is that the ratings are subjective and can vary from student to student. The website also allows anonymous ratings, which can lead to fake reviews or malicious ratings. Additionally, some professors may use the website to discriminate against students based on their physical appearance or ratings on the website.

Q: What was Lusi Yang accused of?

A: Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business accused Lusi Yang, a former assistant professor, of using Rate My Professor to select students based on their physical appearance. She allegedly gave higher grades to attractive students and lower grades to unattractive students.

Q: What are the potential consequences of using Rate My Professor to select students?

A: The use of Rate My Professor to select students based on their physical appearance or ratings on the website is discriminatory and can harm students who do not fit into society’s beauty standards. It can also harm students who do not receive high ratings on the website, regardless of their academic abilities. Additionally, it can lead to a lack of diversity and inclusion in the academic community.


The Lusi Yang Rate My Professor scandal has brought to light the questionable use of Rate My Professor by professors and the potential consequences it has on students. While the website can be a useful tool for students, it is important to ensure that it is not used to discriminate against students based on their physical appearance or ratings on the website. The academic community should work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students and address systemic issues that lead to discrimination and bias in academia.

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