The Pros and Cons of Choosing WordPress for your Website

WordPress is the most popular open source CMS platform that anybody can use to develop their websites without yearly subscription fees and licensing. It’s the software that one can use for creating the website easily and quickly. Around one-third of websites online are made using WordPress and most of them are the business websites. You just need to hire the professional WordPress development agency to do the task.

So, as you might surmise from the title of the blog post, we are fans of WordPress platform, but we certainly are not at all blind to the current limitations. WP has strayed a bit far from the humble beginnings as a blogging engine and become the world’s highly popular website development tool. In this time the platform has actually mastered some capabilities, whereas in some areas it has a little room to develop and grow. This being said, WordPress is not an only option out there. You must still be assessing what CMS can work right for you—here we’ll look at some pros and cons of using WordPress CMS, which will help you to determine if you must join those using this platform. So, here are some pros and cons we see in WP as a top CMS. Weighing the pros and cons of all website platforms will help you make the best decision for you.

1. Best content management system

One biggest benefit is how simple it is to go through the different pages or content. Thus, why is it the best CMS? It is set up in that way with just basic skills and will understand what’s going on. Providing you know computer and programming language on a simple level, WP can work best for you. You may adjust things when you move upon, which depends on the likes and dislikes. 

2. Fast and simple to use

Anybody can easily use WordPress for creating and handling digital content, without prior experience. The digital content includes images, text, animations, videos, or special landing web pages. Now each business and professional requires something that helps them to market or advertise their product or services. The quality digital content generally helps him in attracting more and more visitors on their website, and WP is crucial CMS software for distributing & publishing all kinds of content for the users or customers worldwide by designing the website. Any type of business will use the WordPress platform. 

3. User Friendly Content Management System:

WordPress is the strong CMS platform because of the origin in blogging. This becomes quite simple for admin to navigate through the backend of the WordPress website, edit any pages or upload the new content. WordPress even makes it easy to organize the content without plenty of web management knowledge.

4. eCommerce websites

eCommerce is highly popular for the WordPress websites. Many people are purchasing things on the internet. Many people are selling on the internet. WordPress plugins such as WooCommerce have also played an important role in this. Suppose your content is optimized efficiently, you can direct many more people to the brand. It will make it very simple to make the sale. WordPress is good at teaching users which words can lead to good sales, versus ones that won’t. There’s plug-ins made for the e-commerce applications, which work within current themes and allow for the cart processing, ordering, or even shipping. There’re right ecommerce integrations for any size website and application, and basic plug-ins come free.

5. Simple Content Updates

It is possibly the best reason for using CMS. Basic websites will be set up with simple access to on page text or images. Beyond this, with a bit of upfront technical work, there’re a lot of ways you can set up the custom modules or text areas that, when implemented, will easily get accessed or edited by anybody with the rudimentary computer skills. There’re more than 54,000 mostly paid and free plugins accessible to WordPress users. The plugins allow you to customize or enhance any WordPress website. Suppose you want to make any specific changes to functionality on your website, then chances are there’s the plugin to do that or you can take help of professional WordPress Development Agency

6. Used by Big Companies 

WordPress platform is totally scalable and can be used for everything right from one page websites to international news websites. One of the strongest statements for the WordPress is the number of big companies that use this platform. WordPress has many themes accessible. Normally, the themes are reliable while it comes about being responsive. With a high amount of the internet surfing that is done on the mobile devices, and having the mobile-friendly website with the consistency over all devices is important to UX; and WordPress does the good work with this.

7. Simple to Install

WordPress is highly popular for simple installation procedures. It is those things that they have got incredibly right. There is not any self-hosted web application that will compare.  After core installation, you also can install the plugins right from the web GUI without any need to download anything and change the config files. It is very simple, and that makes development and installation of any platform very difficult.

8. Responsive

WordPress has many themes accessible. Normally, these themes are quite reliable while it comes about being responsive. With an increasing amount of the internet surfing done over mobile devices, and having mobile-friendly websites with consistency across various devices is important to UX; WordPress does a good job with that. Get a little guidance in choosing the theme at “How to select the best WP theme for your requirements.”

9. Optimized for Mobile and Tablet 

Setting up the responsive theme properly for your website is a best and highly efficient way of ensuring users on mobile devices, PC’s, or tablets all get the positive experience of your website. This ensures your content & branding is usable and consistent on all these devices. On the responsive site an only thing must change is the layout or styling depending over what device is getting used to access this website. WordPress provides responsive themes and, in the hands of the skilled developer, an opportunity to make complex themes with the same functionality.

10. Big Developer Community 

The community of WordPress developer is the largest of its type. Users are continuously improving the website software and constantly creating or revising the custom plug-ins at various uses. WP has been used for more than 20% of all websites on the internet. The popularity attracts the skilled hobbyists and developers alike, and the amazing things of WordPress, is anybody will contribute to source code, which makes this platform much better.


Planning Is Required: Creating the website is part of the marketing process. This all plays an important role in using WP. For this reason, you have to get some skills. Having the plan can be the big help with the WordPress. Suppose you do not have a plan, how can you expect to move ahead? WordPress is part of moving ahead. You will want it. 

Custom Layouts Are Tough To Use: First downside is layouts. They may be customized; however, they will be very tricky to navigate over. Same thing goes for the design process. There are some designs that aren’t very easily available as you may want and need them. There’re the WordPress themes that will help out with that.  

Difficulties with Visual Design: WP has got the reputation as a difficult platform for designing. It is partially true. There’s not any universal drag-n-drop WYSIWYG website editor, like you will see on the Wix or other DIY platforms. Everything has to be coded that is fine for the experienced web developments but totally impractical for smaller guys. 

WordPress Software Has to be Updated Often: WordPress is the large piece of the dynamic software running on the website’s server. Different patches and updates get released each year to combat the pirates and hackers and to provide huge improvements to the themes and code. You have to ensure that you have the right skills to make the updates yourself or you work with the WordPress development agency to make sure your website software is updated.

Limited Permissions Scoping: The “real” CMS can give you the granular control on who will access or edit each aspect of the web site. You may create the groups or assign the people to them. WP does not support it by default, so you have to use the third-party plugin in this. Making use of the plug-in or theme for something very fundamental as permissions and security is not ideal. I have made some web sites that need the granular permissions. It is very tricky to find the plugin that works as needed and does not break plenty of other things.


With these factors to think about, we will recommend you to consult with the WordPress expert when you are building out the WordPress website. Majority of the cons that are listed above will be totally swept away with the right person or agency managing the website. You must consider reading a blog post on selecting the website agency that will help you to launch your user-friendly as well as secure web site yet.