The Ultimate Guide To Buying A Ranch

Owning a ranch is a dream many have, especially if you fancy the countryside or farmhouse style. It shouldn’t just end as a dream. Actualize it by using the guidelines given in this article, which will help you in buying your desired ranch. 

1. Lay Down Your Needs

Your choice of a ranch is dependent on the reason why you want to acquire the farm. Ranches were traditionally mainly used for livestock keeping. Their uses are broadening as years pass by. Your needs will also determine the size of the ranch you should consider and the farm’s topography.

Knowing what you need from the start narrows down your search for a ranch that suits your needs. Many ranches for sale in Utah, among other states are available based on your preferred location. Do you want to use the ranch for cattle herding, horse keeping, sporting activities, such as fishing? Do you want to get some profit from the farm? Then you should consider looking at Colorado fishing ranches for sale. These are some of the questions you should answer beforehand. These are some of the questions you should answer beforehand.

2. Consider The Location

The ranch’s location will determine what you can and can’t do on the ranch. Rough terrain with many boulders wouldn’t be ideal for agricultural purposes. Consider the location with regard to your privacy; how far do you want to be away from people? 

Accessing your ranch is another factor you need to know. Find out if roads are leading to your farm or you need to find a way through bushes and ranches. Other issues you need to clarify regarding the location are if the ranch is accessible all season, do your neighbors access their farms through yours and vice versa, among others. If it snows a lot in the area, you need to know how you’ll access the ranch. Who’ll remove the snow? How close are the nearest social amenities in case of an emergency?

All these are critical aspects that you need to figure out as you choose the location of your ranch.

There are many laws regarding the use of ranches in various states. You might be required to seek permits to build an infrastructure, such as a shed or a house. There might be zoning laws mainly if the ranch is near natural resources such as wildlife and rivers. Consult the local council and figure out the dos and don’ts of your farm beforehand to avoid penalties and lawsuits.

4. Understand The Mineral And Water Rights

Most ranches are always large bare land, often close to natural resources. You might own the surface land of the ranch but not the sub-surface, especially if there are minerals beneath it. Hire a land inspector and let them identify any valuables below the ground. If present, you might not be the only one with the right to access your ranch, even if you own it. The government owns most of the sub-surface valuables.

On the other hand, you need to know of the rights of any natural water resource near or passing through your ranch. It might be illegal to use the said water even for minor uses such as cattle drinking. Some states may lease out or sell the water rights. Find out what applies to that state and make an informed choice, considering associated costs.

5. Check Your Budget

Besides the initial cost of acquiring the ranch, many costs arise in the lifetime of owning a ranch. Depending on the ranch’s size and your availability, there’ll be the need for maintenance, which doesn’t come cheap since you need to hire workers to do the maintenance for you. Hiring an inspector to check for any minerals on your land also comes with its own cost. All these costs might accrue and reduce your profit margins in the long run.

To counter these costs, you can decide to generate income by leasing out a portion of your ranch to herders who’ll graze their animals there. Alternatively, lease it out for farming activities when you’re not using it or before you set it up, instead of the land staying idle.

Ensure you consider all these costs as you set out your budget. Set aside some funds for contingencies as well.

6. Get A Broker

Seek the services of a ranch broker to help you in the search. The broker should understand your needs regarding the land use and work within your budget. Consider getting a broker from the locality of the ranch’s location. A broker from the said locality is more knowledgeable on the laws, whom to contact, and will get you a good deal. If you want to use the land for farming, get an agricultural ranch broker instead of a general one.


By understanding and visualizing your ideal ranch, you’re able to know the kind of ranch you want, including the size. Seek referrals before selecting a broker and follow up on previous customer feedback. You want to get the best deal at the best price, which you can with an experienced and viable broker.