If you find yourself reading this, then either you are someone who is already undergoing cyber security training or someone who is planning to do so. Whatever your case might be, you have come to the right place on the internet as the job of this article is to list some of the most interesting cybersecurity career paths for students: something which is of high interest to you. The field of information security is vast and widespread. Security is a matter of 360 degree work and every industry needs qualified cybersecurity professionals to tackle various cyber threats. It’s not a piece of cake for students to choose their field of interest or specialisation but just like any decision, this one can also be made a little easier by gaining more information about it. Here are a few cybersecurity careers that will certainly catch your attention:
Table of Contents
1. Ethical hacker:
Quite similar to penetration testers, these professionals pursue offensive cybersecurity by hacking an organisation and assessing its security posture through vulnerability assessment. CEH certification or Certified Ethical Hacker certification is the current industry standard course that these professionals are trained in.
2. Penetration tester:
Penetration testers are offensive security specialists who are armed with ethical hacking training and penetration testing training. Their work entails performing authorised cyber attacks on an organisation’s systems, networks, data centres and other digital infrastructure to identify cyber risks and vulnerabilities so that they can be corrected, thus preventing future cyber incidents and attacks. Penetration testers can accurately assess the posture of an organisation’s security by testing its vulnerabilities and analysing the damages they can cause.
3. Incident responder or handler:
Incident responders are the experts who are trained in responding to cyber security incidents like data breaches, ransomware attacks and other cyber attacks. They are the ones who have to take quick action to contain the cyber incidents and to prevent such future incidents.
4. Computer Forensics Investigator:
A computer forensics investigator is tasked with handling post attack situations like recovering lost data or damaged files in a cyber incident, conducting forensic analysis of a victim system or collecting evidence of the cyber attack that could be used against the perpetrators in the court of law. These professionals are trained in computer forensics courses by international bodies and are required in many industries, especially defense and national security.
5. Chief Information Security Officer:
One of the most lucrative career paths in cybersecurity, a Chief Information Security Officer is a C level executive in any organisation who is in charge of supervising all information security operations of the business, including that of its vendors. This is not something that you can be directly trained for, but this type of professional role comes with time, hard work, talent and leadership qualities.
6. Security Auditor:
Security Auditing professionals are responsible for conducting security audits of computer systems and their work deals with writing detailed reports about the existing security structure and ensuring compliance with policies and regulations set by the organisation as well as the government. Their job description also includes inspecting security controls, finding risks, evaluating security measures and procedures and organization at regular intervals.
7. Network Security Architect or Analyst:
A network security architect is responsible for designing the architect of a secure network for an organization. These experts are trained in securing network parameters, detecting intrusion and monitoring the network.
There are many more careers in cyber security apart from those mentioned above and students like you have a nice variety to choose from. It is OK if you are not able to arrive at a decision soon because you are not supposed to choose right away. In fact, you should read more about different career paths, especially the ones that interest you the most, so that you can make a fair and informed decision with all the data that you have in the present.