Treatments for Spinal Tumors

Edison township is located in Middlesex County, New Jersey. The town has a population of over 100,000 people and a substantial number with spinal conditions. Spinal tumors are one of the conditions that can affect the spine. If you have a spinal tumor, you should see a spine specialist. Spinal tumors in Edison are on the rise. The spine is made up of bones (vertebrae) and soft tissue (muscles, nerves). There may also be abnormal growths called tumors. They can be either benign or malignant, depending on their effects within the body. The good news is that spine specialists can treat spinal tumors.

The following are some of the treatments for spinal tumors:


A brace is used to support and protect the spine. You may wear it during times of increased stress, such as athletic activity or heavy labor. Doctors may also recommend a brace after an injury involving the spine. A brace can be helpful, but only if the tumor is not putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.

Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy

These treatments kill the cancer cells in the body by stopping them from making more DNA or RNA needed for cell growth. To do this, chemotherapy and radiation therapy use drugs to stop the cancer cells from dividing so they can’t make copies of themselves. They use radiation to damage the cells’ ability to replicate themselves. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be used alone, but often they are combined with surgery and other treatments.


Surgery is the removal of a tumor from the spine. The type of surgery needed will depend on several things, including where the cancer is in your body and how big it is. Surgeons use many different methods to remove tumors from the spine. These can include open surgery, minimally.

Surgery is considered a good option following the diagnosis of spinal tumors in Edison. Your doctor will work with you to determine if surgery is recommended and can be performed safely. The goal of surgery for this condition is typically to remove all the tumor tissue, prevent any cancer cells from spreading, and preserve your ability to move. The location of the tumor will also determine if surgery can get all of the tumor cells out.

Pain Therapy

Your doctor may recommend some pain treatments after surgery, but the best way to prevent back pain is to take care of your spine before you have problems. You can do this by building up the muscles that support the lower back and using good posture when sitting or standing for long periods. Regular exercise will also help keep muscles strong. Strenuous activities are not advised until several months after surgery has been completed because they might lead to re-injury or new injury complications.

Pain management therapy reduces discomfort in patients who have undergone surgery on their spine, spinal cord, brainstem (medulla), cerebellum (cortex), eyes, ears, nose, and more parts typically included in these painful surgeries.

Spinal tumors need to be treated as early as possible. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, see a spine specialist at once. Without treatment, they may cause pain and even loss of bladder, bowel, or sexual function. Learning about your options is crucial to living with spinal tumors. The spine doctor will work closely with you to get the best results possible following diagnosis for this condition.

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