When you are playing sports, there are a lot of different injuries you could come across. This isn’t only for beginners, either. Anyone can get hurt when playing sports, even when they are being as careful as possible. If you are a beginner in sports or a parent of a child who plays sports, here are the most common injuries you should be prepared for:
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This is a regular injury that you will run across. It is very common to get a concussion when you are playing aggressive sports like football or soccer. You can easily avoid this injury when you are playing other sports, but, unfortunately, it is common in those two areas.
However, concussions can be cared for by staying hydrated, avoiding bright screens, lots of rest, and avoiding large amounts of neck and head moving until you are fully healed.
Potential serious cuts
You can get a few scrapes here and there when playing sports, but sometimes those scrapes turn into something a little bit more open and dangerous. However, not every major cut needs to be tended to by a doctor. Here are some tips on how you can take care of a cut:
- Alcohol to wash the cut
- Bandages to keep the cut from any dirt
- Skin glue to keep your cut closed up better than stitching
People will often turn to Dermabond skin glue because it is not only easier than stitching the wound, but it is safer and less painful. Place this on after the alcohol and before the bandages so that your cut can heal properly.
Sprained ankle
This is an injury you can get in any sport that you play. This is an injury that you could get just waking up in the morning if you aren’t careful. Since this is such a common injury, there are easy ways you can take care of it:
- Avoid walking on it
- Ice packs
- Compression such as a DIY cast
- Keeping it elevated
Knee pain or ACL tear
If you have a family history of knee problems, then you might be expecting this one to pop up sooner rather than later. An ACL tear, if not handled properly, can break an entire sports career. This means that it is very important that you know what you are doing. Here are some easy tips on how to keep an ACL tear happy while it heals:
- See a doctor for medication
- Elevate your knee specifically
- Stay off of your leg entirely, even while using crutches
- Ice to calm your leg down
Bruises are common and will appear in any sport that you play. There isn’t really a set way on how you can take care of them, but avoiding any pressure on the bruise will help ease the pain until it eventually goes away.
Back pain
Resting your back is the best way to avoid back pain in sports. You should always stretch before doing any workouts or sports. When you notice that your back is starting to get sore, you should stop whatever you are doing immediately and sit back for the rest of the day to see how you feel in the morning. If you can prevent the pain before it starts, you won’t have to worry about the days of resting.
Pulled muscles
Icy hot packs are best for pulled muscles when you are trying to get them to stop feeling so sore. You should avoid any straining activities for whatever muscle you pulled. If it is your arms, try not to use it for a few days so it can heal properly. If it is a leg, you should avoid walking on it with all of your weight.
This injury can happen a lot at the beginning of your sports fun so pay attention to your body and the way it is reacting to the changes.